0404198322 taijalaakso@gmail.com
Fresh air always does good so I went for a walk in the forest. Barefoot, of course as feet are directly linked to brain. Feeling the earth does wonders.
All of a sudden there was most weird and horrific sight.
Something quite odd just happened to a cute bunny!!
Next thing there was a sound in the bush as something was ditched there. (Which tells the bunny predator was obviously an amateour because in action movies beginners always leave the weapon on crime scene as they panic.)
Well, I was wide awake, alert, and kind of enjoyed the adrenaline rush, if I'm absolutely honest...
Then the creepy looking sneak dashed right in front of me into the woods.
He moved very softly making hardly any sound. For a split second our eyes met. I was instantly
I ran back to my desk and started drawing.
I knew exactly what to do. Picked the material...
Made a prototype...
And named it CRIME. Soft shoes for A/W 14/15.
Spot and shoot them 15.5 on catwalk!
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